Cloud9婚紗攝影公司(香港)深信,結婚是每位女孩子的美麗憧景,是一次滿載飛到九宵雲外的喜悅。Cloud9婚紗攝影公司(香港),於04年成立,以清新脫俗的藝術風格為拍攝婚紗照,為新人帶來商業化以外的選擇。Cloud9婚紗攝影公司(香港)創辦人來自設計及廣告界,憑專業美術經驗為婚紗攝影過程注入藝術性設計。Cloud9婚紗攝影公司(香港)格言: 每輯婚紗攝影都是一次創作過程,我們著重個性與時代感,流露日本簡約風尚。Beautiful marriage makes you on cloud 9 for a lifetime. Cloud 9 Wedding Photos Studio (HK) was established in 2004. They are renowned for a unique artistic style that is very much different from the commercialized wedding shop in the market. Cloud 9 Wedding Photos Studio (HK) , both founders come from the design and the advertising industry. They are keen to make every wedding photo a rendezvous for artistry and memory. Cloud 9 Wedding Photos Studio (HK): between the frames, you may be able to see individuality, simplicity and creativity.