
金龙善先生是在韩国釜山的海云台海边长大的,他从小便是摄影迷,跟着摄影协会的爸爸一起,学习拍摄并自觉洗印照片。16岁的时候,他曾用在便利店兼职打工赚的钱买了一个二手录像机。那是他第一次拥有自己的录像机,他和朋友们用它拍了很多有趣的小电影,从那个时候开始,摄影对于他的意义就变得深刻,他希望可以用摄影帮助人们将珍贵的人生节点以艺术的形式进行封存。成年后,在爸爸的帮助下他便顺理成章地在釜山成立了ARTIZ STUDIO摄影工作室,他一直认为能拍照的人很多,能拍出感情的却很少。他之所以给这家工作室取名为”韩国艺匠”,是因为他一直都认为“唯有不辜负,方能归初心。可以把一件事做到极致,就是了不起的匠人。”他把艺匠的每一位摄影师都比作是“艺术的工匠”,他希望艺匠团队的每一位老师都可以在时间里坚持,在空间里沉迷,只用匠心,坚持初心。他希望来艺匠拍摄的客人,也能欣赏这种洗净浮华之后显露的真诚。Kim grew up in Korea busan Haeundae over the sea he is photography fans follow the father of photography association learning and consciously develop photographs. At the age of 16 he had used in the convenience store a part-time job to earn money to buy a second-hand video recorder. That was the first time he has his own video recorder he and his friends use it took a lot of interesting small movie since that time the significance of photography to he becomes deep he wants to use photography to help people to valuable life node to seal in the form of art. As an adult with the help of my father he naturally founded in busan ARTIZ STUDIO photography STUDIO he always thought that there are lots of people can take pictures can take a little affection.He was named to the studio "ARTIZ STUDIO" because he always think "can only live up to can return to beginner's mind. The one thing really really well is the great builders." He compares artisans every photographer to is "art craftsmen" he hopes the central team each teacher can insist in time to indulge in the space only originality adhere to the beginner's mind. He hopes to artisans of the guest after wash can also appreciate the flashy show sincerity.
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